Discover Sustainable Commerce
Welcome to Segunda Vida, your go-to place for second-hand clothing and devices. We are dedicated to sustainability and community building, offering personalized service, refurbished items, and competitive pricing to meet the needs of a diverse audience interested in eco-friendly shopping.
Why is this important?
El problema.
La industria de la moda y la tecnología son grandes contribuyentes a la crisis ambiental actual. La moda produce el 10% de las emisiones globales de carbono y genera 92 millones de toneladas de desechos textiles anualmente, gran parte de los cuales terminan en vertederos. Paralelamente, la industria tecnológica enfrenta un problema creciente con los desechos electrónicos, que alcanzaron 53.6 millones de toneladas en 2019, de las cuales solo el 17.4% fue reciclado. Además, la producción textil y electrónica consume enormes cantidades de agua y energía, exacerbando la contaminación y el agotamiento de recursos naturales. Estos datos resaltan la necesidad crítica de adoptar soluciones sostenibles en ambos sectores.
The problem.
​The fashion and technology industries are major contributors to the current environmental crisis. Fashion accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions and generates 92 million tons of textile waste annually, much of which ends up in landfills. Similarly, the technology sector is grappling with a growing issue of electronic waste, which reached 53.6 million tons in 2019, with only 17.4% being properly recycled. Moreover, both textile and electronic production consume vast amounts of water and energy, further intensifying pollution and the depletion of natural resources. These facts highlight the urgent need for sustainable solutions in both industries.